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os:linux:general:auto-win [2024/07/19 18:07] – [The Files] jayos:linux:general:auto-win [2024/07/19 18:08] (current) – [Prerequisites] jay
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 ===== Prerequisites ===== ===== Prerequisites =====
-The first, and most important, prerequisite is that **you must be using X11, and NOT Wayland**.  This is simply because the tools used here in this tutorial and by the scripts are specific to X11.  If there's a way to accomplish this with similar tools for wayland, shoot me an email at with the pointers and I'll happily update these scripts to work with Wayland as well (auto-detected).+The first, and most important, prerequisite is that **you must be using X11, and NOT Wayland**.  This is simply because the tools used here in this tutorial and by the scripts are specific to X11.  If there's a way to accomplish this with similar tools for wayland, shoot me an email at or open an issue on [[|Github]] with the pointers and I'll happily update these scripts to work with Wayland as well (auto-detected).
 ==== Packages ==== ==== Packages ====
os/linux/general/auto-win.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/19 18:08 by jay